Monday, January 16, 2012

Heroic Vietnam Video Game Releases


HANOI - To commemorate the best battle scenes against the invaders of his country, Vietnamese gives gamers the opportunity to launch a video game, 7554. The game is to celebrate the day, in which French troops surrender to Vietnamese troops in the battle of Dien Bien Phu on May 7, 1954.

"There never was a video game, with the size and scope of Vietnam and the fact it gives us a lot of national pride," said Nguyen Huy Tuan, Director Emobi Game, as reported by the Daily Mail, Tuesday (10/1/2/2012).

"It is our privilege and challenge us to create the first shooter, that gamers will enjoy this game," he added.

Although 7554 is based on historical events, but according to Nguyen was not a upayan to re-create the past, but rather as a tool for entertainment.

Reported to develop this game for three years, which is expected to be launched worldwide in February has spent approximately USD800 thousand. Hyuan also confirmed that the game is not as anti-French.

One of Internet gamers, even willing to play the game, and said, "As a Frenchman, I was quite angry when I see it. But after all the existing games, where you have to kill a German or Russian and they do not complain, It's just a video games.

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