Monday, January 16, 2012

Feedair, Ticker To Android and OS With Wifi Features


The rapidly growing medium of information allows us to continue to update the info-latest info, especially coupled with the presence of social networking sites like Facebook and microblogging sites like Twitter on the phone that allows its users to share information anytime and anywhere.

But of course it would be very disturbing and a waste of time if you have to stand to pick up the phone when there is notification of the latest info on your phone. For that may be a device called Feedair this could be useful for you.

Feedair is a Digital Ticker with Wi-Fi connection that will display all the information update of the phone (IOS or Android) and we can place it in strategic places so that you can just see Feedair only when there are any status updates or new info on Facebook or on Twitter . In other words, you do not bother to take the phone if the mistaken information that does not really matter.

Feedair equipped with red LED display is quite large with a size of 21 × 7 cm, making it quite clear to see and just as an information in the form of "Ticker", the note will appear and scroll to display the sentence in full but only limited headline. USB Powered Feedair use as a source of electricity and will be sold in March at a price of U.S. $ 50.

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