Sunday, January 15, 2012

Future Household Immersed Android

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LAS VEGAS - Google's Android creations known as the software for smart phones, but Google's Eric Schmidt Executive Chairman see the future when Android adopted household electronic devices.

In addition to smartphones, Android tablets are also used in computers and televisions pereangkat, but Schmmidt said such software has the potential to do more.

"Of course, there are companies that embed Android on refrigerators creation. Refrigerators indeed need to be made automatically," explained Schmidt.

"What you want to do is, as the walk towards the house while bringing Android devices in hand, all the equipment in it have the computer will adjust. When you go into the living room, television in there knowing it was done via device authentication , in contrast to other family members. Everything is synchronized, "he explained.

Currently Sony, LG and Samsung is a company that integrates Google TV, making a television has the ability to access the internet. And according to Schmidt, there will be many more additional partners in this regard. Thus was launched Channelnewsasia, Wednesday (01/11/2012).

"That's the only offer that I know, been fully integrate the experience of watching television and browsing experience," he added.

He also said there are currently 700,000 activation of Android devices per day. Whereas last year, there are 200 million smart phones sold Android

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