SEOUL - Dreams Steve Jobs about an integrated TV and Internet connection interface is simple, not a new story for Samsung which had already been issued a product in the market.
"When Steve Jobs talked about he was 'broke', it is about connectivity. We have provided it in the market for 12 months. This is not new, but being a new thing for them because they do not play there," said Philip Newton, Director of Audiovisual for Samsung Australia.
"Did we see it as a threat? Specifically, no. Perhaps we will have several rivals who are suffering, but we see this as a great opportunity. The bigger names involved, the better for us because we know the ability to lead it," he explained, as reported by InternationaBusinessTimes, Saturday (14/01/2012).
While Apple TV is still a fantasy and conjecture, Samsung, LG, and several other vendors have used the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2012 in Las Vegas to show off the latest clever television creations of each.
Smart TV can be used to surf in cyberspace, play games like Angry Birds, and access various digital content online.
"This is not new as it is aware of the traditional players, and we've expanded it with additional control via voice, and pinned the touch pad on the remote TV," added Newton.
Although not officially present, as usual Apple is believed to have sent 250 workers to the CES. It is estimated, it is done to observe the competition closely, before announcing the creation television that reportedly will be out in late 2012.